Without vents to relieve pressure from the plumbing system, harmful sewage gases accumulate, making it difficult for water to flow efficiently through the plumbing.

We are constantly making changes to better the working environment for our employees and to make sure we can deliver a better service for our customers.

Your business is important to us and we want to make sure you are happy and completely satisfied. If the quality of work performed and paid for, is not satisfactory, contact us within 24 hours and we will make arrangements to rectify the situation. If you believe we did an outstanding job please write a review of us on an online site so others can see what our service has to offer. We love to read customer reviews!

Customized house cleaning services are available weekly, every other week, 3 week rotations or monthly service. Each home is custom bid to meet the customer’s needs with a guarantee on the quality of work performed.

No, as long as you have a way to let us in when you are not home there is no reason for you to have to be there. However, if it makes you feel more comfortable we welcome you to stay and watch what we do. All of our house cleaning employees are trustworthy and friendly, they do have a schedule though so make sure to give them enough space to get their work done.

Our employees are insured to protect against any loss or breakage that may occur while we clean your home. All employment taxes are paid and all employees are covered under workman’s compensation if one of our employees are hurt on the job.

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